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Our Mission is the user interface for a machine learning model (RORi) that provides information and insights on financial matters for businesses and individuals.


Our goal is to democratize the tools of data science for small and mid-sized firms that don't have a budget for a full-service data science and business intelligence department.  We will provide subscription based public machine learning models as well as custom models.  


Our MVP model is the public subscription-based model designed to supplement the financial planning tools for owners of closely held businesses.  This tool is meant to facilitate and support business planning for closely held private companies and the personal financial planning for their owners and families. 

Our Story

Strategic Data was founded with the vision to revolutionize the way businesses and individuals access financial information. Our team is dedicated to providing innovative solutions that empower users to make informed decisions. We are committed to simplifying complex financial processes and making them accessible to everyone. Our journey began with the development of a cutting-edge personal financial planning app for business owners and their advisors.

At, our founder is bringing together and advisory team with years of experience and expertise in finance, technology, and entrepreneurship. We are driven by a shared passion for leveraging technology to transform the financial landscape. Our commitment to excellence and customer satisfaction is the cornerstone of our company. Meet the visionary leader Graeme Woods who is shaping the future of financial accessibility.

Experienced Leadership


Differentiators & Advantages

Human Intervention

Specialized RAG Models

Large Language Model Interface

Machine Learning Models

Custom Models

Low Cost Democratized Access

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